Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Complete Lesson.
*Topic:*Price - marketing mix ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Define Product. • Identify and explain the costs and benefits of developing new products • Define Brand image – Identify and explain the impact on sales and customer loyalty • Identify and explain the role of packaging • Describe the product life cycle: identify and explain the main stages and extension strategies; draw and interpret a product life cycle diagram • Demonstrate how stages of the product life cycle can influence marketing decisions, e.g. promotion and pricing decisions.
‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
Complete Lesson.
Topic: Place - Marketing Mix ‘ppt’ * IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Test Yourself Questions ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Explain the term Place (distribution channels):
• Advantages and disadvantages of different channels, e.g. use of wholesalers, retailers or direct to consumers
• Recommend and justify an appropriate distribution channel in given circumstances‘Test Yourself Questions.’ Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
A Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A and A* grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves.
Content: 1.3.3 Why some businesses grow and others remain small:
• Why the owners of a business may want to expand the business • Different ways in which businesses can grow • Problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcome • Why some businesses remain small.
1.3.4 Why some (new or established) businesses fail: • Causes of business failure, e.g. lack of management skills, changes in the business environment, liquidity problems • Why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing.
A Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A and A* grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves.
Content: 1.2 Classification of businesses
1.2.1 Business activity in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors:
• Basis of business classification, using examples to illustrate the classification
• Reasons for the changing importance of business classification, e.g. in
developed and developing economies.
A Bundle Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves.
1.3.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.3.2 The methods and problems of measuring business size
1.3.3 Why some businesses grow and others remain small.
1.3.4 Why some (new or established) businesses fail.
A Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A and A* grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves.
Content: 1.3.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship:
•Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs • Contents of a business plan and how business plans assist entrepreneurs
• Why and how governments support business start-ups, e.g. grants, training schemes.
Complete Lesson.
Business and the international economy Globalisation and MNCs* ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Describe the concept and importance of globalization and the reasons for it
• Opportunities and threats of globalisation for businesses • Why governments might introduce import tariffs and import quotas. Reasons for the importance and growth of multinational companies (MNCs): - • Benefits to a business of becoming a multinational and the impact on its stakeholders • Potential benefits to a country and/or economy hosting a MNC, e.g. jobs, exports, increased choice, investment • Potential drawbacks to a country and/or economy hosting a MNC, e.g. reduced sales of local businesses, repatriation of profits. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
Business activity and the environment, e.g. global warming • Concept of externalities: - costs and external benefits; Sustainable development; How and why business might respond; Legal controls e.g. pollution controls; Ethical issues e.g. child labour. **Class Activities with Answers ** - IGCSE Business Studies.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis - ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Define, identify and classify costs and classify costs using examples. - Use cost data to help make simple cost-based decisions, - Describe the concepts of economies and diseconomies of scale: with examples. - Construct, complete or amend a simple break-even chart • Interpret a given chart and use it to analyse a situation • Calculate break-even output from given data • Define, calculate and interpret the margin of safety • Use break-even analysis to help make simple decisions, e.g. impact of higher price • Understand the limitations of break-even analysis.
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Private Limited Companies Lesson Plan ‘MS word doc.’ IGCSE Business Studies & Economics.
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify a Private limited companies, its main features, advantages and disadvantages. •• Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability •• Recommend and justify a Private limited companies to owners/management in a given situation.
NB: Add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week, etc.